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Dear readers and followers. Thank you for your support and as a special thank you, I have this exclusive preview of a couple of artworks that I produced during my short residency in Hartberg, Austria wholy made from recycled found materials. Tonight there is an exhibition opening in a local museum in Hartberg, where 14 international artists including me, will show our proposals for the Recycling Art Festival 2011. The concepts come out of recycling ideas and environmentally friendly approaches in art and design. And of course my concept has been created with a bit of humour, but before I tell you too much, here are couple of pictures. Don’t worry, I’ll report back how the exhibition went, and will post a full selection of my works too.  Have a good day! S

ps: my main hero of the show, ‘The Animal’ is looking forward to meeting you here soon! And yes, it is its ‘Food Tray’ and even its ‘Poo Tray’ : )

S.Krupinska, 'Food Tray' 2010

S.Krupinska, 'Food Tray' 2010

S. Krupinska, 'Poo Tray' 2010

S. Krupinska, 'Poo Tray' 2010