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My reflections about Studio Hide are published in Waltham Forest independent newspaper. Please download the article via this link and head to page 6. Cheers!

Waltham Forest Echo Studio Hide snap



I’m pleased to add another newspaper article to my press. Pri šálke čaju so Silviou Krupinskou is written in the Slovak language, sorry to those that don’t speak it. The Full text can be found on this link. Here is an excerpt:

” Silvia Krupinská je rodáčka z Popradu, ktorej pomaturitný jazykový pobyt v Londýne trvá dodnes. Žije a tvorí tam už takmer dvadsať rokov. Táto umelecká výtvarníčka má za sebou viacero najmä zahraničných výstav a vlastný ateliér. Inšpiráciu hľadá v prírode a keď sa vo februári 2014 dozvedela o prírodnej katastrofe v rieke Poprad, veľmi sa jej to dotklo. “Išlo o nález kyanidu, 20-krát vyššie množstvo, ako je dovolené. Stalo sa to v industriálnej časti Popradu, v Matejovciach. Tisíce rýb zomreli a otrávený bol úsek asi siedmich kilometrov, kde sa ekosystém bude zotavovať viac ako 5 rokov. Je to smutné. Rieka Poprad pre mňa reprezentuje miesto, odkiaľ pochádzam, moje domácke korene,“ vysvetľuje emotívne. Preto začala pracovať na soche z ocele. Ide o veľmi trvácny silný materiál, rovnako ako jej city k slovenskej prírodnej krase. Chce týmto spôsobom vyjadriť rešpekt rieke Poprad. „Nikdy predtým som sa nad ňou poriadne nezamyslela. Škoda, že to tak často je. Niektoré veci si uvedomíme, až keď sa stane niečo negatívne…“
Napriek smutnej inšpirácii je socha s názvom Tečúce Korene (Flowing Roots) oslavou rieky a jej krásy. „Bola to veľmi zaujímavá robota. Prvýkrát som zvárala oceľ a naučila som sa pritom množstvo nových procesov. Keď som o tom rozprávala ľudom, čo nikdy na Slovensku neboli, a videli vtedy ešte len polotovar sochy, páčil sa im organický tvar diela. Teraz sa o tom, čo si myslia, dozviem ešte viac. Tečúca rieka bude aj s nahrávkou zvuku rieky vystavená na Interim Show v Londýne. Pri výskume a zhromažďovaní dát o rieke, keďže socha tvarovo presne zobrazuje tvar jej toku, mi pomohli v Slovenskom vodohospodárskom podniku, š.p., Správa povodia Dunajca a Popradu. Chcela by som sa im takto za to poďakovať.“ “

Autor: Petra Vargová | 25. 3. 2015

After eight years since my graduation from the BA Fine Art at Chelsea School of Art and Design in London, I’m returning to study at The University of the Arts London. I’m thrilled to be accepted to the MA Art and Science at Central Saint Martins. I’ve been feeling settled for many years with my BA, having the best times in my studio doing various projects, but somehow this year something has changed, I’ve become even more hungry to learn. It all happened so suddenly, and now I’m a student again, beginning a two year full time MA at the end of September 2014.

For super curious, a virtual tour of CSM here.

How do I feel? Well, I’m very excited and terrified at the same time. Do I know how to be at UNI after all this time? Saying that, I’ve a good idea about what I’m interested in and Nathan, our course leader reassured me, it’s very different than being an undergraduate student. We all will be very keen to learn, serious about our art and science path, and we will have lots of opportunities to link and network. I’m very happy about my decision to do this. I can’t wait to meet my 19 class mates now, and explore the art & science angle in my practice!

So my art studio will be moving to a different location. I had been interviewed perhaps for the last time in my long term art studio at Unit 3 this August. Lovely team from online TV wanted to know where my inspirations come from, and they asked me about my transition from Poprad, Slovakia to London in January 1999, when I became a Londoner. I’d like to say a big thank you to SKCZ.TV! The document is in Slovak only, if you don’t speak it but you’re curious about my studio, soon to be moved to CSM, you might like to watch?

Until next time!

S logo snap 01

I was recently interviewed by artist Hannah Adamaszek and this lovely blog – ‘well why don’t you?’ and here is the reblogged article. It was a pleasure to work with them! I hope you’ll enjoy it. Thank you for reading.

well why don't you…?

Nature and organic forms are the perfect sculptures and Silvia Krupinska does it perfectly.  We have met her a few times from collaborative shows at Curious Duke Gallery, and have wanted to interview her ever since.  Here she explains how she started and what motivates her to create these beautiful works

Tell us about yourself, how did you start making sculptures?

I’m an organic texture artist based in London but originally from Slovakia. I always knew I wanted to be an artists, but only in my second year (2005) during my BA at Chelsea School of Art and Design, I moved away from only painting and have began to make 3D installations and sculptures. Interestingly, painting has never left me completely. There were times I called myself a ‘painterly sculptor and sculpterly painter’. I enjoy making sculptures the most, when I experiment with a technique and something unexpected happens…

View original post 493 more words

A bit of press from Slovakia, Poprad. Sorry it’s in Slovak! I answered some questions why I left Slovakia 15 years ago, what I’m doing in the UK and would I go back? …

It was published in ‘Pre Mesto’ newspapers by Pre Mesto O.Z, in March 2014, in Poprad, Slovakia, where I was born.

pre mesto

Pre Mesto, Zbohom slovensko, Feb 2014 2.

Zbohom slovensko, Silvia Krupinska, Marec 2014



My solo show Plesa a fragmenty in Slovakian city Poprad is finished, however if you speak Slovak, I’ve some press about it for you. Start with watching  TV local news mention in TV Poprad  and then have a look at an article by Podtatransky Kurier  Newspaper (Image no.1 below).  As my exhibition was a part of an International Mountain Film Festival in Poprad, I’ve been mentioned in their daily news posts (Image NO. 2 below). There was a number of on-line posts about the exhibition, to mention one, I’ve linked up article here. Thank you for your attention and support! Until next time, take care and good bye!

Image no.1

Image no.2

Regional TV Poprad in Slovakia reports from my solo show – Plesa a fragmenty (Mountain Lakes and Fragments)

9 of Unit 3 Projects artists have done a residency in London’s DegreeArt called In All Directions, which finished in mid-May 2013. I’m very pleased how the residency turned out. The truth is, it seemed ages ago now, as I’d finished another project already titled Origins in Unit 3 Projects. The magazine deserves a blog post too, so here we go. Enjoy flicking the slick pages.

Please look through the magazine on this link. It is really nicely done! Thanks so much DegreeArt.  My artwork has been featured on pages 7, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 75, and 81.

DegreeArt mag Snap, page 67, press

DegreeArt mag Snap, page 61,62 press

DegreeArt magazine, p. 6,7 press

snap face in sand


In May 2012 I was a guest on a TV show ‘Culture Vultures’ on Sky channel 199 OH TV. Click on the link to read a post about it. What I didn’t know,  that one day I’d record art reviews for the same show! So It happened to my delight back in December and January/February this year. I had recorded 19 of Artists’ reviews. There were 19 artists works I chose to share on the TV screens with you. I prefer to call them more introductions than reviews, as I share my most loved artists and artworks around me and bring those to your attention. I love doing that! There are little better things than talking about a loved piece of art, or an artist you admire. And most of all, people don’t want to listen, if one talks about herself/himself all the time! Try it. Promote your artists friends, or if you’re in an another profession, praise your colleagues’ work, and you’ll feel so good! Speaking from my own experience! I’d recommend it to anyone.

left:Culture Vultures presenter Rosemary Laryea, book reviewer Gill Fisher and sculptor and art reviewer Silvia Krupinska

left:Culture Vultures presenter Rosemary Laryea, book reviewer Gill Fisher and sculptor and art reviewer Silvia Krupinska

More about ‘Culture Vultures’. oh tv logo Culture Vultures is a panel discussion and review show (3o min long) presented by Jazz FM radio personality Rosemary Laryea. Each week, special panel guests pick apart and review new films, music, books, classical art, plays and other trends emerging from the world of Arts and Culture. The guests on ‘Culture Vultures’ will include critics, authors, designers, film-makers and writers, each with their own eclectic styles and tastes, led by Rosemary. The second season of Culture Vultures welcomed me as part of the reviewing team (Sculptor and Art Reviewer Silvia Krupinska) and Book Critic Gill Fisher. We joined Rosemary on set alongside a special guest, who tells exciting stories from whatever creative industry they come from. Then, both Gill and I in each episode have done our reviews. Gill book reviews and me art reviews. Unfortunately the second season of  ‘Culture Vultures’ had already ended. I talked about five artists and their works. They were Jason DeCaires Taylor, Shan Hur, Nicola Anthony, Carne Griffiths and Sam Shendi. You can read Nicola’s post on her website about it here. If you missed those you can look out for Season 3, which is fast approaching in April (my reviews start again on Monday 29th at 2 pm with review of art by Anne Bevan). It will also be jam-packed with an eclectic bunch of special guests such as Delia Barker, Co-Director of the English National Ballet School; Nana Afua Twi, Britain’s Top Model of Colour winner; Eryka Freemantle, celebrity make-up artist and the multi-talented musician Lonyo Englele. Thank you so much to make-up artist Juliet Onyeka Osodi (@onyekaBeauty) who had done the make up for us all!

left, presenter Rosemary Laryea, musician Ciyu Brown, Gill Fisher book reviews and Silvia Krupinska art reviews.

left, presenter Rosemary Laryea, musician Ciyu Brown, Gill Fisher book reviews and Silvia Krupinska art reviews.

Schedule of my art reviews as it’s been given to me follows. Please note changes might occur without any notice. You can click on the artists to explore their websites. Do let me know if you watch it and tweet about it with #CultureVultures tag, you can follow me @silviakrupinska and @OHTV if you like too! Thanks for your visit come again and enjoy the sun. Happy Friday!

(Since first writing this post, in fact the order of the shows has been mixed up. I have no control of this matter and to ensure to see the desired show, watch each week I guess. Sorry for any inconvenience.)

ANNE BEVAN (29th April 2013 at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
AGNETHA SJOGREN 6th May 2013 at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
JONNY BRIGGS 13th May 2013 at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
ABIGAIL BOX 20th May 2013 at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
BEN LEVY 27th May 2013 at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
TOMAS LIBERTINY 3rd June 2013 at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
ROGER HIORNS (10th June 2013 at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
KATE MCCGWIRE 17th June 2013 at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
JOANNA ROSE TIDEY 24th June 2013 at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
KATIE PATERSON 1st July 2013 at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
ANNA BARLOW  8th July at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
CAROLINE JANE HARRIS (Monday 15th July at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
JOHN BUNKER  Monday 22nd July at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.
JONATHAN GABB Monday 29th July at 2.00pm + same time repeats for the rest of that week.

I’ve been recently interviewed in my studio by artist Samuel Overington for ASC UNIT 3 Projects – artists’ introductions. Purpose of this video is to show my studio and introduce my work a little bit, as one of UNIT 3 Projects artists. More lively interviews of other artists to come. Oh and I put my face in the sand in it…


Silvia Krupinska, Feb 2013

Link to more images from the interview in this Unit 3 Projects Facebook album.


Last week Cass Sculpture Foundation put on a four day event for artists to create their posters, artworks in thirty minutes on one of the advertising panels of JCDecaux in Tottenham Court Road. Many artists took opportunity and did their poster. I contributed with collage ‘Organic Snails I’ and to my delight and surprise, our works are being shown on big JCDecaux digital screens for another week on major stations in London – Kings Cross, Liverpool Street, London Bridge, Charing Cross, Victoria Station, Euston, Cannon Street, Fenchuch Street, Waterloo and some other cities including  Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham new street, Birmingham international, Edinburgh and Liverpool. I would like to say a massive THANK YOU to Cass Sculpture Foundation and Cass Art for making all this happen and give us the chance to show our works to crowds of people! If you’d like to read more about it, click here.

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Tony Cragg, Lost in Thought, 2011 in Science Museum London 2012

Not often one gets a chance to show work to millions. Exactly this was made possible as Cass Sculpture Foundation is currently celebrating twenty years of commissioning new work from emerging and established artists, and they parallel with the spectacular Tony Cragg‘s sculptures on Exhibition Road and near by museums put on the event called ‘Art Outside’. Conceived by Sir John Hegarty and in collaboration with JCDecaux, aims to give artists a platform to showcase their work.

From 17 September, for four days (from 10am – 5pm), artists are invited to create masterpieces on a giant outdoor easel. Each person will create an artwork, which will be showcased across the UK until 9 October on the JCDecaux digital poster network and will be seen by over 8 million people. The large screens are Liverpool Street, King‘s Cross, StPancras, Waterloo and major stations across the UK.


My half hour was a thrill for me. I had to take the opportunity and create something too! I made ‘Organic Snails’. If you see the screens and you manage to take a snap, please send it over. I’d be grateful. Thank you. Watch out for organic poster looking like these images:

Silvia Krupinska, Organic Snails detail, Cass Sculpture Foundation’s Art Outside 2012

Me at work on Organic Snails (source Cass Sculpture Foundation Facebook page)

Me at work on Organic Snails (source Cass Sculpture Foundation Facebook page)

Many thanks to Cass Sculpture Foundation, Cass Art. I really appreciate it!


Olala – I’m extremely pleased to announce that you can see me on TV this evening in ‘Culture Vultures’ TV show in which I was interviewed by TV and radio personality Rosemary Laryea. It’ll be aired on this evening, 8th May 2012 on OHTV! Sky channel 199 at 7pm and repeated at 11pm on the same night. This is very exciting indeed for me especially as I’m holding a master-class coming Sunday, May 13th, 12-1pm at The Other Art Fair as well. The session had been pre-recorded in March.

Culture Vulture presenter Rosemary Laryea and artist Silvia Krupinska, March 2012.


Artist Agnetha Sjogren, I and others snapped while we were having fun at the first birthday party of Debut Contemporary gallery in Notting Hill. Fun, fun, fun!

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I was interviewed by The European Azerbaijan Society in London, and this way I’d like to say “Thanks so much  TEAS for posting up my interview on your website and being so kind with the editing as well! It’s been an absolute pleasure.”  This is a short extract from their website.

“In late 2011, Silvia visited Azerbaijan for the first time, where she participated in the Second Gabala International Art Exhibition entitled Art! Life! Earth!, jointly organised by the Cultural Fund of Azerbaijan and the Seoul-Baku (SEBA) Azerbaijani-Korean Cultural Exchange Association. Following her return, she spoke to TEAS about her experiences, works and thoughts on the Fly to Baku contemporary art exhibition, which opened at the Phillips de Pury Gallery, London, on 17 January.”  To read the full article click here.

<div style=”font-size:0.9em;”>
<a href=”“>Interview with Silvia Krupinska, sculptor.</a>
– Watch more <a href=””>Videos</a&gt; at Vodpod.</div>

During my* Colourful Radio interview with Karla Williams I promised to write out all the mentioned links (which are all below). While I download and publish the interview, I’d like to share the exciting news of another interview in SK Magazine that was published on 30th May in both English and Slovak languages. Click here to read it in English. Click here to read in Slovak.

Here is the list of my websites and contacts:

website:                                blog:

video:       twitter:     

facebook: -Sculpture/170004973029959

* if you can’t wait, you can listen to my interview.Click on the link, go on Listen Again, then find 03/06/2011, 11.00 and I start talking at 13min 30 sec approx.

Screen snip, SK Magazine, S. Krupinska Intervirew_May 11

Screen snip, SK Magazine, S. Krupinska Interview_May 11